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Oxford PharmaGenesis

Oxford PharmaGenesis

Updated December 2023.

About Oxford PharmaGenesis

Company Overview
Oxford PharmaGenesis is an independent, global HealthScience communications consultancy. We partner with our clients to provide strategic consultancy in the areas of medical communications, medical affairs, market access and value demonstration, health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), publications, patient engagement, artificial intelligence and data science, and more.
Company Size 405 UK-based Employees
Oxford PharmaGenesis Head Office

United Kingdom

Employee Demographics

  • <2 years - 32%
  • 2-5 years - 42%
  • 6-10 years - 18%
  • 11-15 years - 6%
  • 16-20 years - 1%

Company Culture at Oxford PharmaGenesis

The employee experience below at Oxford PharmaGenesis, compared to a typical company.

84% of employees at Oxford PharmaGenesis say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
Oxford PharmaGenesis
Typical Company
*Responses to the statement “Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work.” vs. a typical UK company.


This is a physically safe place to work.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.


When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their race.


Our customers would rate the service we deliver as "excellent."

Working at Oxford PharmaGenesis

Colleagues off on their lunchtime walks
One of our teams at our Summer social
Celebrating our Kings Award with the The Lord-Lieutenant is Mrs Marjorie Glasgow BEM
Colleagues getting together over a lunch break in the Oxford office gardens
Colleagues celebrating our GPTW award in 2022

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise Oxford PharmaGenesis on the following Best Workplaces Lists.

Interested in a career at Oxford PharmaGenesis, or just want to know more?

To discover what sets Oxford PharmaGenesis apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.

Visit Their Website

How to earn Great Place To Work Certification

Watch this pre-recorded 5-minute webinar to learn the process for earning Great Place To Work Certification™

Certification Webinar