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Updated February 2024.

About AlumierMD

Company Overview
AlumierMD is a professionally dispensed, medical-grade skincare brand that empowers its professionals with patented tracking technology and unparalleled education programs. We empower our clients through clean formulas and therapeutic outcomes. AlumierMD is a dynamic, fast-growing company that knows where it wants to be and how to get there. We employ a diverse mix of people who enthusiastically represent our brand to our clients and consistently offer first-class service. Our success comes from the dedication and collaboration of our valued employees.
Company Size 54 UK-based Employees
AlumierMD Head Office

United Kingdom

Employee Demographics

  • <2 years - 39%
  • 2-5 years - 39%
  • 6-10 years - 22%

Company Culture at AlumierMD

The employee experience below at AlumierMD, compared to a typical company.

100% of employees at AlumierMD say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
Typical Company
*Responses to the statement “Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work.” vs. a typical UK company.


This is a physically safe place to work.


When people change jobs or work units, they are made to feel right at home.


Management is approachable, easy to talk with.


Management recognizes honest mistakes as part of doing business.


Management genuinely seeks and responds to suggestions and ideas.

Working at AlumierMD

Our FABULOUS General Manager for the UK and Ireland, Kate Hardcastle.
Coming together as a company to create a strong team through forming bonds and improve productivity and motivation.
Creating the right culture and environment for individuals and organisations to learn and grow.
Some of our amazing sales and education team.
Our Global Leadership Team
AlumierMD Stand at CCR London, the event that unites all areas of the medical aesthetics community.
IMCAS 2024 in Paris for the largest scientific aesthetics congress worldwide.

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise AlumierMD on the following Best Workplaces Lists.

Interested in a career at AlumierMD, or just want to know more?

To discover what sets AlumierMD apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.

Visit Their Website

How to earn Great Place To Work Certification

Watch this pre-recorded 5-minute webinar to learn the process for earning Great Place To Work Certification™

Certification Webinar