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Updated December 2023.

About Mindshare

Company Overview
Underpinned by our values of Empathy, Energy and Impact, Mindshare offers clients full-service media agency capabilities. Together we generate growth for our clients that is enduring, diversified and sustainable. We drive this Good Growth by placing people at the heart of what we do through the intentional use of media. We work with some of the most famous businesses and brands in the UK – such as Unilever, KFC, LV=, Ford, Vinted, Marks & Spencer and TK Maxx. We are fiercely proud of our open and inclusive culture – everyone, and their opinion, is respected and welcome.
Company Size 250 UK-based Employees
Mindshare Head Office

London, United Kingdom

Employee Demographics

  • <2 years - 46%
  • 2-5 years - 24%
  • 6-10 years - 18%
  • 11-15 years - 6%
  • 16-20 years - 5%

Company Culture at Mindshare

The employee experience below at Mindshare, compared to a typical company.

94% of employees at Mindshare say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
Typical Company
*Responses to the statement “Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work.” vs. a typical UK company.


This is a physically safe place to work.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.


People care about each other here.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their race.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their sex.

Working at Mindshare

On Mindshare's birthday (Mindshare Day) we ran AI training workshops for the agency.
An afrobeat Zumba class organised as one of the many Black History Month activities.
Litter picking in the local area for the Keep Britain Tidy Great Spring Clean initiative with Clear Channel UK.
Mindshare hosted a themed event called “Drag Up your life”, to raise awareness on all things drag!
Huddle is Mindshare's annual flagship event. A festival of creativity, inclusivity and innovation.
Celebrating everyone / everything Mindshare on our roof terrace.
Our summer party is a big celebration to thank our staff for their contribution and hard work throughout the year!

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise Mindshare on the following Best Workplaces Lists.

Interested in a career at Mindshare, or just want to know more?

To discover what sets Mindshare apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.

Visit Their Website

How to earn Great Place To Work Certification

Watch this pre-recorded 5-minute webinar to learn the process for earning Great Place To Work Certification™

Certification Webinar