National Fostering Group
Updated December 2024.About National Fostering Group
Company Overview
With over 20 years experience, National Fostering Group is the largest independent children's fostering agency in the UK with a community of over 3000 foster carers. We support just over 4000 cared for children through 31 agencies across the UK. As a group , we work with Local Authorities to provide the highest quality of care for children and young people. Each of us has a part to play in creating safe and happy environments, giving children and young people the life they deserve.878
National Fostering Group Head Office
Bolton, Greater Manchester
North West England, United Kingdom
North West England, United Kingdom
Employee Demographics
- <2 years - 31%
- 2-5 years - 36%
- 6-10 years - 19%
- 11-15 years - 8%
- 16-20 years - 4%
- Over 20 years - 2%
Company Culture at National Fostering Group
The employee experience below at National Fostering Group, compared to a typical company.
83% of employees at National Fostering Group say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.
This is a physically safe place to work.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their race.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their sex.
When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.
Working at National Fostering Group
Best Workplaces Lists
Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise National Fostering Group on the following Best Workplaces Lists.
Interested in a career at National Fostering Group, or just want to know more?
To discover what sets National Fostering Group apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.
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