GFT Financial Limited
Updated October 2023.About GFT Financial Limited
Company Overview
A pioneer of digital transformation, GFT offers sustainable solutions for clients, including: cloud engineering, AI, app-development, distributed-ledger-technology, data analytics and strategic consulting.
With deep technological expertise, strong partnerships and comprehensive market know-how, GFT offers advice to the banks, insurers and manufacturers. Through intelligent use of IT solutions GFT increases productivity and creates added-value for clients, enabling easy and safe access to scalable IT applications and innovative business models.
Founded in 1987, the global GFT team includes over 9,000 specialists located in more than 15 markets, providing our people with dynamic career opportunities in all areas of software engineering and innovation.
With deep technological expertise, strong partnerships and comprehensive market know-how, GFT offers advice to the banks, insurers and manufacturers. Through intelligent use of IT solutions GFT increases productivity and creates added-value for clients, enabling easy and safe access to scalable IT applications and innovative business models.
Founded in 1987, the global GFT team includes over 9,000 specialists located in more than 15 markets, providing our people with dynamic career opportunities in all areas of software engineering and innovation.
GFT Financial Limited Head Office
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Company Culture at GFT Financial Limited
The employee experience below at GFT Financial Limited, compared to a typical company.
85% of employees at GFT Financial Limited say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
Best Workplaces Lists
Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise GFT Financial Limited on the following Best Workplaces Lists.
Interested in a career at GFT Financial Limited, or just want to know more?
To discover what sets GFT Financial Limited apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.
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