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Lupin Healthcare UK

Lupin Healthcare UK

Updated October 2023.

About Lupin Healthcare UK

Company Overview
Lupin Healthcare is a subsidiary of the global pharmaceutical company Lupin Limited, where its heritage lie in generic medicines. The entrepreneurial spirit, external focus and pipeline strength will transition Lupin in the UK from standard generics through to a more specialist organisation partnering with the NHS to deliver value in our 3 key focus areas; High quality generics with a focus on HIV anti-retroviral and oral contraceptives. Neurology having launched a medicine for a rare neurological condition with further developments underway and strong Respiratory R&D expertise with products filed to deliver a future broad respiratory portfolio.
Company Size 26 UK-based Employees
Lupin Healthcare UK Head Office

South East England, United Kingdom

Employee Demographics

  • <2 years - 58%
  • 2-5 years - 27%
  • 6-10 years - 8%
  • 11-15 years - 8%

Company Culture at Lupin Healthcare UK

The employee experience below at Lupin Healthcare UK, compared to a typical company.

78% of employees at Lupin Healthcare UK say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
Lupin Healthcare UK
Typical Company
*Responses to the statement “Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work.” vs. a typical UK company.


This is a physically safe place to work.


People here are willing to give extra to get the job done.


You can count on people to cooperate.


Management is approachable, easy to talk with.


When I look at what we accomplish, I feel a sense of pride.

Working at Lupin Healthcare UK

Working at Lupin Healthcare UK
Snowdonia National Park Charity Challenge
Lupin Healthcare UK Limited Team Event
Vinita Gupta CEO
Head office Slough
Head office Slough
Head office Slough

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise Lupin Healthcare UK on the following Best Workplaces Lists.

Interested in a career at Lupin Healthcare UK, or just want to know more?

To discover what sets Lupin Healthcare UK apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.

Visit Their Website

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Watch this pre-recorded 5-minute webinar to learn the process for earning Great Place To Work Certification™

Certification Webinar