Coupa Software Incorporated
Updated August 2022.About Coupa Software Incorporated
Company Overview
Coupa is the cloud-based Business Spend Management (BSM) platform that unifies processes across supply chain, procurement, and finance functions. Coupa empowers organizations around the world to maximize value and operationalize purpose through their business spend. Through the power of trillions of dollars in business spend, our mission is to unlock our customers' full potential to do well and do good, anchored in a shared belief that we are smarter, together.
Coupa Software Incorporated Head Office
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Company Culture at Coupa Software Incorporated
The employee experience below at Coupa Software Incorporated, compared to a typical company.
82% of employees at Coupa Software Incorporated say it is a great place to work*, compared to 54% of employees at a typical UK based company.
This is a physically safe place to work.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their race or ethnic origin.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their age.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their gender.
Best Workplaces Lists
Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise Coupa Software Incorporated on the following Best Workplaces Lists.
Interested in a career at Coupa Software Incorporated, or just want to know more?
To discover what sets Coupa Software Incorporated apart and explore relevant career opportunities, take a look at their website.
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